Drunk driving is a criminal act, for which an offender can be prosecuted even if the vehicle is not an automobile. If you or your loved one has been arrested for driving drunk while operating a boat, contact the law office of the Denver DUI Lawyer today to begin your case.
Boating Under the Influence (BUI) cases should be treated just as the same as if you were facing a DUI charge. Statistically, drunk boating causes 35% of all injuries and fatalities related to boating.
In response to this problem, the state of Colorado has criminalized driving a boat with a BAC level above.08%, just like automobiles. If you are convicted of BUI, you face the following consequences:
Boating accidents and minors in the vessel while driving under the influence will only increase the severity of consequences you face.
If you or your loved one has been arrested for driving drunk while in a boat, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced Denver DUI Lawyer to represent your case. Contact us here at the law office of the Denver DUI Lawyer to begin your boating case today.